Google Finance Dashboard

Dashboard to display latest portfolio registred in google finance based on various conditions. Background script running every X interval to fetch latest data and applies some business logic to process it. Frontend is in React / Bootstrap to load latest data from google finance and based on logic analysis.


Web portal to see available printers in network based on "Printer Connect" internal project. List all printers available, prepare a labels, create a categories for lables. Based on printer selection portal have functionalities to print the label in various selected printers. Other functionalities includes management of users, printers, labels, categories.

Trello Management

Web portal to manage available boards from particular trello account. Prepare a business logic to move tasks from one board to other board including various pre setting up logic. Management of trello board creation, logic to set when task from one board to another board will happen and various other functionalities.

WSDL Parsing Dashboard

Dashboard to upload wsdl file and rules to parse it. This dashboard read the wsdl file uploaded and based on soap standards parse it. Based on provided rules it will give you output.

Kids Activity Web & APIs

Admin portal & frontend website to manage kids activity platform. Complete set of functionalities including all CRUD operations and payment processing. REST Apis to manange admin portal & mobile apps. Functionalities like management of customer / merchant / admin apps, users, activties, categories, reports based on various activties, payment processing.

Stock Charts Dashboard

One page web portal to upload excel file including stock related data. This portal parse the excel sheets and based on rules render the table, also prepares the various 20 types of charts to display to user including various functionalities like, zoom in /out, filters, mapping of data etc.